As all the shopping and festivities get underway, we hope you’ll add KLSD ArtsAlive to your #GivingTuesday list. Your contribution will make a meaningful impact on hundreds of students in our community.
#GivingTuesday, which is on December 3, is a global giving movement celebrated in more than 190 countries. The day inspires people to make a local impact and improve their communities by giving to the charities and causes they believe in.
Through your generous donations, KLSD ArtsAlive can continue to promote and enhance arts education in all our schools. Your contribution will help us provide arts-related events and programming that enrich the learning experience of all our students and helps unify and celebrate our entire community.
We hope you will consider donating to us during #GivingTuesday on December 3, 2024. Our warmest thanks in advance for your support.